Hello folks!
Art&Ghosts are quite possibly moving to a brand new abode.
I am currently running a 14 day free trial at the new address, so shall be posting there in the meantime to get the hang of things and to spruce the site up a little. If I choose to make the move proper, I shall redirect my archives and all of the other bits and bobs so that visiting me ought to be as comfortable and uncomplicated as ever - yet possibly even better, because I will have lots of new features and a fancy little navigation system that may make getting around my weird little world a whole lot easier.
I have already created an introductory post, so do head on over if you should wish to take a look.
I will not be leaving Typepad, I clearly love you, Typepad, but I do feel the urge to spread my wings a little, and to tinker with new toys.
If you would care to update your links to add my new address, that would be splendid!
Hope to see you there!
(I will disable comments on this particular post to keep things simple - most of the past few months Typepad posts are already live at the new site, so your comments are now existing in a parallel universe, so to speak)