I am experiencing a lot of issues sizing columns and banners at the moment. I dearly love Typepad, but the layouts puzzle me. Every now and again I get a bit angsty about the appearance of my websites. It gives me a headache, but there’s also something addictive, fun, exciting about tinkering with the code. Sadly, I am not particularly competent with it. So far, my banner, no matter what size, will not reach the absolute left margin. One’s brain might explode attempting to work out why. Clearly I am no expert, but this is uncanny. My main content column will not stretch beyond 500 pixels (I would prefer 600), and if I switch to ‘fluid’ pixels the pages become uncontrollable: although the fluid option allows for more space, the accompanying blocks of text tend to 'stretch' with the pictures in a curious fashion.
And then there's tumblr.
I moved Milk Tooth over to tumbler a couple of days ago. This particular platform seems to suit Milk Tooth very well: quick fire posts which include easy-peasy and fuss free video and music uploads, text posts, quotations (which I love!) and regular photo posts. One thing that does worry me about tumblr (and this is hearsay) is the general attitude towards the 'recirculation' of existing images, often without quoting the source. For example, a user may originally upload an artists work accompanied by a link to the source, yet subsequently, other users will re-blog this post, often neglecting to bother with the artists link. Worrying! But such is life online. One of my uploads featuring the wonderful Margaret Rutherford has already been re-blogged, which is nice, but kind of........where do you draw the line concerning original content? I would feel pretty odd if the majority of my Typepad posts we re-blogged shortly after I had taken so much time to compose them.
Do you know what I mean? So there's the good and the not so good. It would be great to hear your opinions on this. This is exactly why I watermark my images, because it does seem to be the absolute and only way to ensure that an image will not go astray without some recognizable link to the source. I dare say more people would feature my work if I didn't watermark, but I feel that it is the only safe way to contend with this issue at present.
So, if anyone out there could advise me with regards to the banner/column width conundrum, I would be most grateful. Until then I shall go to sleep and dream about the possibilities of 600 pixel width main content columns and banners which reach the left edge without falling mystically short. Ek!
And a text only post. Whatever next?
(image: Lewis and Lumi of Le Train Fantome)
Gah! Can't read this! The dots really strain my eyes. My screen resolution is 1280 wide if that helps. Seriously can't bring myself to read the text, eyes hurt.
Posted by: Maria-Thérèse | Wednesday, 19 May 2010 at 08:56 AM
reposting and not citing sources is an issue with tumblr...unfortunately i don't know how one can control that. i try to post only pictures that have sources in the hopes that if someone reblogs it they'll include the source. i do think you can blog people though...on the dashboard it will list who reposts and i guess you can check and make sure they've included the source information.
Posted by: rachael | Wednesday, 19 May 2010 at 12:17 PM
True enough.
I had a browse through tumblr and noticed that quite a few blogs featured *only* re-tumbled imagery, often without any links whatsoever. I suppose the ultimate responsibility, at present, is the artists own: to decide whether sharing material online is worth the risk of misrepresentation, accepting the risks and just getting on with it, hoping that some of the shared material brings positive results, or considering ways in which to keep the work safe, ie, watermarking, etc.
I certainly don't think it is done with any bad intent. It just seems like *the* gigantic craze right now - to upload eye candy en masse in a bid to become popular, or simply because you love to curate. It is a shame that the genuine curators (supporters of the artists) will inadvertently become mixed up in this curious melee!
Posted by: louise/Artandghosts | Wednesday, 19 May 2010 at 07:21 PM
Louise...you can stretch out your main column to 600.
Here's how:
Also you should be able to move your banner flush left.
Here is how my layout is set up in Custom CSS on Typepad.
#banner {background-position: center;}
.layout-three-column #container { width: 1210px; }
.layout-three-column #alpha { width: 280px; }
.layout-three-column #beta { width: 650px; }
.layout-three-column #gamma { width: 280px; }
Replace "center" with "left" where the banner code is. If it still doesn't work just contact Typepad's support system..they've helped me a lot and usually will get back to you within a day. Your blog looks fantastic by the way..mine needs a major overall. I want to include a banner that fades in and out but I haven't figured out how just yet and maybe eliminate many of the pictures in my columns and have them replaced with links :)
Good Luck!
Posted by: Christine | Thursday, 20 May 2010 at 05:15 AM
p.s. you can extend the width of your blog (you can see mine is 1210 px in the code). Perhaps you need to change your current setting as that may be what is preventing you from creating the middle column a bit bigger..? Just make sure all of the columns px's add up.
Posted by: Christine | Thursday, 20 May 2010 at 05:18 AM
the new design is lovely. you were so right in saying that theres something amazing about tinkering with code, especially when what you do actually makes a difference to how it looks! it was kind of how i started learning webdesign and now i make a career out of it haha. i'll be happy to help if you have any questions ;)
i once had my art blog on tumblr. its a great place to promote your work socially, but otherwise it is a very fastpaced community, which i didn't really appreciate.
Posted by: nataliette | Thursday, 20 May 2010 at 07:36 AM
Thank you, both, so very much indeed!
Christine, I will try that (the code), but does this overwrite the existing code? Please forgive my ignorance^^
I actually don't mind the different sized columns that I'm using at the moment, but I do agree with you - I think the actual page width that I have now is what attracts me rather than the mismatched columns. To lose 50 pixels from the left and right and add 100 to the centre would be great.
Nataliette, thankyou! I would love to know more about web design, the tinkering is almost addictive, even worth the headaches. And tumblr sure is fast paced. I think that pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Posted by: louise/Artandghosts | Thursday, 20 May 2010 at 10:56 AM
I have chosen a format that I like for the time being - so happy to have made the main content column wider!
I am happy with the appearance based upon the default page size on mac's safari, so would love to know if the dots are still offending anybody.
They seem just fine form here, so I am puzzled.
Thanks again xxx
Oh and Nataliette, I would love to be able to alter my shop appearance via css. I must definitely read up on this stuff a little more. If you can recommend any good reading or websites, do let me know!
Posted by: louise/Artandghosts | Thursday, 20 May 2010 at 01:48 PM
I think watermarking the images is a MUST. :)
Posted by: Marina | Thursday, 20 May 2010 at 02:03 PM