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Thursday, 22 April 2010


Andi Pants

These photos are so lovely! I'm amazed by how much they feel like your illustrations.


Love the flower dress, and your kitty is adorable :)

Mathyld / encore petite

Gorgeous as ever, but(t) ... Milo's last pic is just about to become my month's favourite !!! Eeek !
Erm ... And that teacup ? You already know I'm jealous, right ?



They are wonderful pics! I love your workspace... Seems very cozy.


Carol Anne

Beautiful images, Lou. Well done on completing your latest commissions. Sweet dreaming as we dance into the light. xx

Barefoot Liz

You are so talented! I'm bookmarking your blog!


A few things:

Your skin captures light beautifully.

I want that teacup & saucer!

Your furry companion is wonderfully photogenic.

Please consider doing more photography.


oh, sweeter than macarons!! And your so lovely! I really love the darling one with you and your adorable black furry friend!

I do adore your magical, light, and ethereal photography ever so!!

Wishing you a beautiful new week!!


Beautiful photos, as always.

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