(please check the Flickr version, which appears a bit truer to me)
My very first attempt at a darker skin tone, so please be gentle with me!^^
I have been working on this image for so long that I can hardly see the wood for the trees anymore. Attention to certain details may have distracted me from the overall image, so I have lots of little fears about whether this has worked out well enough.
She is a digital painting with collaged ribbons and bows, including photo texture layers of crackle and wood. I sampled the skin colours/tones form a photo, then had to blend big blobs of digital paint around in the hope of attaining some sort of visual coherence. Although this is how I often create digital portraits, the new tones are still somewhat unfamiliar to me (the selection of highlights and shadows in particular - how light 'works' with these particular tones, etc) and were pretty difficult to render. Anyhow, I am very pleased with her little nose, which is possibly my favourite nose so far. I actually cheated with the mouth by giving her an already painted one that belonged to Samantha (minus teeth)
I named her in homage to the moon, which is extremely huge here right now - and a sort of golden colour, as opposed to the usual silver.
She also developed a little bit of personality during the making: I see her as possessing a certain amount of foresight (ESP) which might scare her family silly - but she will be very popular at school because she can see all of the test results in advance;)