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Sunday, 22 November 2009


Mathyld / encore petite

Oooh, Louise !
These guys are aceness !
I love the kittens. The last one is insanely cute !
And the fox is a real beauty !

Oh and your new banner just kills me. Too cute !
x x x

Bianca Stewart

I love your Anomalies series. These are wonderful, really. Do the characters have names?



What an interesting series! I love them all, especially the bear. Look forward to seeing more.
I hope your sister's puppy is ok.

louise (art and ghosts)


Bianca, I am still thinking of names for them all, although some are already decided.
Check out my flickr stream for the names I have already chosen:

Myrtle McFluff is my favourite!


That last white fluffy kitten is hysterical.

Amalia K

Wow, Lou! They are so unbelieveably gorgeous! (*o*)


Okay. As instructed I visited your Flickr page. Myrtle McFluff is definitely fitting!



I love the job and in addition raises the curious faces of the original painting, I have not learned to identify them all, okay you put the link to the original, the truth that misleads a lot just by changing the head, it is intriguing.


These are wonderful! I hope the little puppy is doing better. ♥

louise (art and ghosts)

thanks everyone xxx

Good news, the puppy came home today with the all clear. I was so relived to find out!


these are lovely! i especially love the kitten. i'm so glad your sister's dog is a.o.k. :)


oh these are fantastic.
on their own and seeing the inspiration behind them.
how busy you have been!
my favourite it the fox-girl...
well wishes to your sister's little furry friend


Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog, Olive Writes! I am truly enjoying reading your blog and the extraordinary creativity that shines through it.

Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy

Your work continues to be lovely and inspiring. I bough a print from you awhile ago and still adore it:D Be Well and thanks for showing the beauty of animals:D


you are amazing!
I love them all <3

Suryani Shinta


Suryani Shinta


Hi Lou:

I know you mentioned that you were taking a wee little creative break, so I don't know if you'll get this comment or not. But...just wanted to let you know that I'm having a give-away on my blog for some of my art prints. Stop by if you have a spare moment!

Gerushia's New World



Thank you for "tweeting" my post. Ooopsie, that almost sounds questionable, doesn't it?

Truly, I don't tweet YET, so I really appreciate your sharing my give-away with others.


A Fanciful Twist

I am mad about these!!! in love!

Craig Parker

Brilliant Louise! It's been ages but always a joy to visit your blog and see what you're up to.

I love them.
Hope you are well.

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