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Friday, 07 December 2007



I just want to say first off that I think your work is really beautiful, and I love the thoughts and ideas that go behind it. I also like the idea of expressive hair, that's a really interesting idea, that I think adds a lot of personality to the characters.

Secondly, your pom pom snowmonster slippers are wonderful :)

The Wishing Tree

Ohhhh Lou - it's all fabulous! I love the one of you and The Kitten! And... as for the snow boots... well... who needs men? LOL


Frankie Kins

Lou, I love the snowmonster footies. Yum!

This group of work seems a bit darker than your offerings of late. Hmmmm...wonder why that is?

I love the Music Room. The girls' hair has movement that reminds me of a treble clef. Very, very nice work there.

Valentia I love because the dres dress is just so striking. I like the tree branch thingy, too.

Penny Farthing is absolutely lovely and makes me smile. Yes, this version is far better since you have "shown a little knee". hehe

Wonderful, wonderful, as always!!!


I arrive a little late but I just wanted to say that I also find your snowmonster slippers super cute! (I can guess why you ate found of them : I hate it when my feet are cold, which arrives far too often)
Oh...and I love "The Music Room" your dark and eerie "Arboreal Angel"... this goes without saying!


thank you :)

Frankie, i wouldn't call the essence of these works dark in the least. Perhaps the use of darker tones and contrast evoke this, but the actual emotional content of the images is, on the contrary, very powerful, positive to me.

I should probably say that they contain more 'depth' than 'darkness', if that makes sense. I am aware that on the surface many people confuse the two.
Strong, positive emotions are not so easily expressed by the use of cute, pastel, pretty visuals.
On the whole these images are about transcendence, love and the beauty/drama of the powers of nature. That is all anyone needs to know, hehe.



oh! I love your slippers!! I'm currently wandering round the house in my button up leg warmers...you would not think I'd need them here in the land of eternal summer...but it has been rather chilly as of late (much to my delight)! :)

I love your new work...you are so productive!! Busy little bee! :)


hi it's me again. love your very different
blog, different, but nevertherless stunning,
your theme of earth-nature and your o so very
expressive hair are extremely well done. I
love valentina so vibrant and alive, in fact
to say l have a favourite would be unfair to the whole collection, although (a portrait of us) may just pip the post for me, the love seat, and the O so proud feline, so upright and aloof, and his very lovely companion, may just be if l dare say my
favourite. then there is you and your very
wonderful snowmonster slippers, a lovely young woman, with cosy feet.
your new work is very productive, and as always look forward to much more.
luv always mum xxxxxxxxxxx


I am astonished over both the fantastic pictures and the words you write. This makes so much sense to me. I espesially love the first picture, with the girl seeking and the houses. (I realise now that I think I might have, uncounsciously, "copied" your three white houses, you know my picture on flickr...!)
The selfportait of you two is beautiful yet humorous, -finally I got to see the crimson sofa! And i want those slippers!


Oh goodness gracious, you have been busy--and with wonderful, fantastical results! WOW!

I utterly love 'Arboreal Angels' and now I think I might like to use that image for the cover instead!

Those slippers are a delight.

And oh how I adore the phrase 'Poetry Hair'.

XO. Juliet Cook


i'm really enthusiastic about the artist that you are. i totally adore your work and, from this november-december period on, you're one of my favorite artists (blame it on the weather :P). i like the exquisite characters that you develop into almost narativly displayed series, i also am a great fan of your half creepy half innocent settings. can't wait to see more of your inner fantasies >:D<


i'm really enthusiastic about the artist that you are. i totally adore your work and, from this november-december period on, you're one of my favorite artists (blame it on the weather :P). i like the exquisite characters that you develop into almost narativly displayed series, i also am a great fan of your half creepy half innocent settings. can't wait to see more of your inner fantasies >:D<

A Fanciful Twist

I don't even know where to begin? Where do I begin? I am speechless! All od the creations just, incredible! But, that one of you two on the crimson love seat! Wellll, that is just totally amazing! And I have that very loveseat in my dollhouse!!!! Oh, if only I could make myself teeny tiny! hahahaaa!
And those boots! Oh, how on earth are you getting those bangs so straight! Bella!! xoxoxoox

Marissa (aka mLee)

Sofa piece all the way!


thanks for these wonderful comments! you make my day:))



Louise, these are in a realm of goodness so remarkable it's somewhat scary.

I was prepared to assume, however, you hadn't sold a little of your soul in exchange for the power to create such magic - but when I saw The Allure of Lost Lands I thought you might just have some explaining to do...

I can't recall a piece so electrifying and free, so assuredly moving towards a lost yet irresistible and transformative horizon, through invigorating storms and drought-ending awakenings.

pen and paper

I found your blog!

"The Rescuers" and "Penny Farthing" captivated me. Seeing them made me even more eager to receive "Polar Girl." :)


yououuuuuuu. are amazing. i love you. loupdiloup.


You are the best Lou!I love that picture of you in the boots.The artwork is ofcourse perfecto!!!!I know the feeling of being so inpired that you can hardly go to sleep.I bet it can be really exhausting being a super sensitive creative person like you!So dearie,just put on you puss-in-boots curl up and rest for awhile.You deserve it!!!(Milo will be thrilled to have you by his side!!!)


I love the sepia and gray tones that you are expressing here. The girl with the fox and the girl with the birdcage is so incredibly beautiful...I am speechless. They say so, so much. and the fact that she is blind...


thankyou :)

im sorry that i havent been able to respond to my emails these past few days, i have had some really tricky and serious things to take care of here, but i hope to be back in the swing of things soon.

i appreciate these comments very much xxx


I love your work - and the boots, think you are gorgeous and if your site is anything to go by, beautiful inside. No way should you be single and if you still are - fancy a date? John xx


I am fascinated with your work to such a level!

I want to hug you, seriously, and I want your kitten to be bf with mine (Annabel Lee) that looks the same.

May I link your page in my new blog (http://www.inwonderland.us/)?
May I use some of your images to illustrate some posts?
I just found your art and cannot believe it, it´s like the perfect mixture of all things I like.

Bittersweet magic from the dreams of a lonely little girl.

Oh! btw your picture is lovely! and that loveseat makes me whine :)

Creamy hugs and strawberry kisses

Jordan Jumpman

I have read your article, I think this is very good! Street art, alternative art life, are great!

Jordan Jumpman

I have read your article, I think this is very good! Street art, alternative art life, are great!

Jordan Jumpman

I have read your article, I think this is very good! Street art, alternative art life, are great!

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