The title has nothing whatsoever to do with this post.
I decided long ago that there is no such thing as lateness when it comes to updating a blog. I'm kinda with Tiffini Elektra on this one........blogging without obligation since 1066, or something of that description.
Why's this?
Well, for a logo such as this to exist in the first place (blogging without obligation) must surely illustrate that many of us occasionally feel somewhat guilty if we do not post with unwavering regularity. Now, before i go any further (which won't be very far, trust me;) i must admit that many of my friends update their blogs almost daily, but this isn't an issue, because they are 'naturals' in the sense that they do so because they love to.
And therefore...I am inclined to update with painfully wavering irregularity, such is the nature of the beast.
This is the point; we should post when we are comfortable, when we are ready. Some people are able to do so on a daily basis, some do not have the time or the inclination..... it ought not to make a difference. If a blog is readable, enjoyable, exciting, welcoming, then the regularity of posts should make very little difference. When something becomes mechanical, a chore, it is no longer a pleasure or an agreeable form of self expression.
And we all want to have fun, don't we?
Yes, we do.
I mention this because i have noticed several blog entries over the past few weeks that question this very issue. It appears to act like some sort of a virus, so i advise a good dose of vitamin C, a box of rainbow coloured tissues, and a few days resting on the chaise longue with a good old fashioned box set of murder mystery DVD's. Or whatever takes your fancy; for my part it would be Columbo or Jane Hickson's Miss Marple (not that i don't adore Margaret Rutherford's Miss Marple, she is quite evidently a goddess!)
So, break free of your shackles, and blog to your hearts content, or not to your hearts content, whichever the case may be. I personally adore blogs that work both ways, the daily offerings and the rarities. It is the quality of the work, the words, the world which the writer chooses to share with us that matters, and if we admire an artist, or consider someone a friend, we will surely visit their blog without ever passing judgment, however irregular or punctual they may turn out to be.
I am now going to step carefully down from the soapbox and gather my wits.
Sadly, i do not possess a crimson mahogany chaise longue (A reclining chair with a long seat that supports the outstretched legs, says the dictionary, just in case.....) but i do have my kitten's ears to pull so that will cheer me up a treat (he loves it, by the way)
So anyway, i would like to share some new newness.
More apples, more isolated yet contented young ladies in curious situations........
And my favourite image, possibly of all time:
Levitating Girl
From the Magician's Daughter series, probably. Up to her old tricks again. I ought to make a set of these at some point. Getting the head right was nothing short of a nightmare, but i hope i achieved something close to reality in my placement of it.
They're a peculiar bunch, you know, but they don't go in for table rapping, ectoplasmic manifestations, flickering light-bulbs and the likes. No, they only ever concentrate on their own potential, the here and the now, the mental, emotional and physical limits of imagination. And you will find there are none whatsoever. Limits, i mean.
I imagine some sort of invisible audience here (us, in reality, but a mysterious grouping in my imaginings), a silent crowd, a small group of enthusiasts.....possibly her family and friends, who are quite used to these sombre theatricals, yet never tired of them. What she achieves requires no real effort. It could only seem like an impossibility to the uninitiated.
Here is the flip version, i prefer the original, but this one excites me too, for some reason...
Levitating Girl (the B side)
The billowing frock doesn't seem right in this version, but never mind that. Why adhere to the norm? I don't much like the sensation of her dangling over some sort of murky abyss here, and that swollen shadow above her lends the image a more sinister aspect than the proper version. She seems less in control here. As if something or someone else directs the act.
Still, i kind of like both. Perhaps they compliment each other. Stranger things have happened.
And now for something a little bit different. But only a little bit different, mind.
Encounter with an apple (a love story)
This image has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with love.
I wonder what she could be doing, balancing so perfectly up there, facing up to that frighteningly metallic looking apple. This is one of those open-ended images that might require the viewer's effort to untangle, to fathom their own response. I know what i feel about it, but this is of very little consequence, because it has reference to a childhood dream, a dream that repeated over the course of many years with no apparent meaning whatsoever.
Falling out of the sky into the apple orchard yet never hitting ground.
The above image has bypassed this sensation, i like to think of it as a resolution to the dream (of sorts).......suddenly finding oneself secure, on a level with the symbol itself: the apple. Now, what to ask of it................
No title, just a nebulous moment - i am prone to them on occasion.
I like to wonder where she really is, because i imagine she is somehow wandering amongst her own thoughts, or lack of them. I sense that she feels stifled by the limits if her situation in this reality, and yet she is also too young to appreciate that for what it is......an illusion.
Remember, this post is apparently championing the idea of limitless possibilities. They are all around us, but sometimes we are oblivious to them. I have no idea why this post is championing limitless possibilities, it just turned out that way.
And now for something ludicrously silly, but i had some fun, ok?
So untitled it hurts
Myself as a Victorian Lady.
The choice of body does nothing for my curiously positioned head, but i do love the bleeding heart and the magical insanity of the landscape.
Just for the record, i would have made a dreadful Victorian Lady.
Ask my mother......
Ok, i'm hungry, so i must leave you now.
Back soon, possibly, maybe, at some point in the nearish future.
Lou, I so look forward to your blog posts....not to pressure you, of course. hehe I don't update mine as often as I might, either. You are right; if it doesn't feel right to update, then one shouldn't.
This offering is once again absolutely amazing. I must say that I love the contrast in Encounter with an Apple....and you DO have that thing for apples these days. :D Lovely work. Of course, I'm most intrigued by "So Untitled it Hurts". My very, very favorite in this post. I LOVE the black and white floor. I've been looking all over for a stock photo with that in it and can't find one. Darn!
I also especially loved your lists of goodies from other artists this week: RogLaRue Gallery is freakin' awesome. I got so lost in eyecarumba's work on Flickr that I forgot the time...you know, all that toy camera and Holga work is right up my alley! Makes me want to go out and shoot pictures today, which I might just do.
Have a great week girlie and thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with the world. You rock! :D
Posted by: coloradogigi | Sunday, 22 July 2007 at 09:19 PM
I agree: There is no such thing as lateness when it comes to updating...(but i admit i also feel the pressure from time to time.)
I also especially love your victorian lady with the blackandwhite floor. But i love all of your new images. In levitating girl (B-side) it looks like she is lifted up by an invisible giant`s hand...And i like that a lot, surreal, scary and poetic.
-Oh, and i can really imagine you laying in that imagenary crimson mahogny chaisse-longue...
Posted by: Katrine K | Sunday, 22 July 2007 at 09:56 PM
Frankie - Thankyou! Im glad that im not alone with my sporadic blog postings:) I just added some images of the Roq La Rue stuff a few minutes ago........and thanks for your words about my images. xxx
Katrine - Im surprised by these reactions to the victorian lady...but i appreciate them very much. And one day, i will have my chaise longue, for certain...... and a castle and moat, and a white horse with multicoloured eyes, and a giant metallic red apple of my very own!
Posted by: lou | Sunday, 22 July 2007 at 10:08 PM
I`d love to come and visit you in that castle...
-good night!
Posted by: Katrine K | Sunday, 22 July 2007 at 10:31 PM
Love the Victorian Lady image and you should post when and if you feel like it...no worries.
Posted by: Randi | Monday, 23 July 2007 at 12:17 AM
i'm not in England but...it's rainy today, like yesterday, maybe like tomorrow !
Fortunately, I'm happy when seeing marvelous pictures thanks of you :)
Posted by: wictoria | Monday, 23 July 2007 at 09:44 AM
I love "So Untitled it hurts"
omg....I am going to need a couple pieces after I am settled in my new place!!!
Posted by: stilettoheights | Monday, 23 July 2007 at 01:34 PM
Posted by: LaurenSmash | Monday, 23 July 2007 at 07:51 PM
better one ever-delightful artsandghosts blog a fortnight a month a year than twiddle and or twaddle for the sake of it (not that twiddle or twaddle have ever emerged from this particular circus).
especially one with such levitatey goodness, no doubt a handy skill for redapple retrievement from upon high.
So untitled it hurts is so delicious it hurts - i'm rather taken by the little cloudettes, thought bubbles into which our victorian lady projects musings most unvictorian.
Posted by: Museum of Fire | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 07:20 AM
I love your posting...and I agree with you about the non-obligation to blog. And your new works are so lovely!! You as a Victorian Lady reminds me so much of this Waterhouse painting of Juliet:
Posted by: Marjorie | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 12:58 PM
It feels a bit of a privilege to witness the levitating girl...to see someone in the throws of their potential. The evocative thing about it is that there are no tricks being performed here...this is not a show of the kind the old spiritualists used to perform...conjuring "miracles" for every dollar dropped into their hats.
The girl seems beyond that, as if it wouldn't even occur to her to do these things for financial gain or public adoration. It's not fame and fortune she's after, it's exploring the infinite horizon of her imagination, her heart, and her soul. Which makes levitating so effortless to her...there are no obstacles within her...no feelings of doubt or self-consciousness (clearly--she's letting us watch...what does it matter to her?). If she can imagine it...she can do it.
Apples...we can talk about them on our own time...
Posted by: Your Gracious Host | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 03:32 PM
Darling Lou,
Alas, I do not have it in me to post the daily things.. I feel I would just simply bore the masses... So I wait for something to say....Although, as you do state, there are thos people who post daily in the most wonderful way. Just not in me....I am too lazy ?
But, anyhow, I have to say, your new work is amazing. Of course, all your wokr is amazing, as you know, I am a fan. ;) But Oh, swooning... every one is delightful! I love "YOU" in that one below... and the levitating girl is wonderful!!! And the apple! And and and. I can't say enough. I am a blabbering fool, but I am in love. I think I need......
Posted by: A Fanciful Twist | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 04:30 PM
Thanks everyone:)
Vanessa - How dare you ask 'am i too lazy' after this post!!??? You are one of the most industrious marvels of recent years my love. A dynamo!
Just keep clear of the ouija boards and all will be well.......just got your mushroomy canvas print, so im dancing with joy!
Benjamin - Unvictorian musings? I'll have much less of that. I am the very epitome of good breeding, dignity and restraint. The Noblesse of the North, they call me over here. Purity and refinement are my playthings. Now, be off with you! (and while youre doing it, please accept my multitudinous thanks for your kind words...one day we shall all live in a twaddle-free-world!)
Brandon - The levitating girl was feeling a bit left out. She told me to say thank you for your solidarity... the initiated are forever welcome:)
Marjorie - One of my favourites, thanks so much for that! The dress and the hair, oh god! I love it.
Posted by: lou | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 07:32 PM
as always l love this latest blog, work at it when you are ready, and not before, to force anything is a bad thing to do.
l was capivated by it all from beginning to end, which proves that by working when you
are ready is the right thing to do.
in my opinion you work better when the
weather is bad,like me you love inclement
days. l will say goodnight now my love
hope you have a good one.
love always mum xxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: pat | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 09:37 PM
Congratulations,i love your "blog", beautiful artwork!
Posted by: Mademoiselle Julie | Saturday, 28 July 2007 at 09:07 PM
oh my, these are absolutely fabulous!! Your art is wonderful.
Sending some sunshine your way!
Posted by: FrenchGardenHouse | Sunday, 29 July 2007 at 04:22 AM
Thanks xxx
Posted by: lou | Monday, 30 July 2007 at 05:02 AM
Hello Lou, it's been a long time. You have a wonderful blog. It's timeless stuff, which implies you can't be late at all.
Does the chaise longue have to be crimson?
Greetings from a not too rainy Brussels.
Posted by: martin pulaski | Tuesday, 31 July 2007 at 03:08 PM
You know, I think you actually cured me of the aforementioned "Blogger's Guilt"! Thanks for posting about the issue and for making me feel better about posting whenever I feel like it. :)
All I have to say is WOW! I just can't decide which of the new works I am loving the best. It's a toss-up, they're all so wonderful! I love where your work is going. Thanks for showing us your lovely new images, and the links were fantastic as well!
Posted by: Tessa | Wednesday, 01 August 2007 at 10:36 PM
You know, I think you actually cured me of the aforementioned "Blogger's Guilt"! Thanks for posting about the issue and for making me feel better about posting whenever I feel like it. :)
All I have to say is WOW! I just can't decide which of the new works I am loving the best. It's a toss-up, they're all so wonderful! I love where your work is going. Thanks for showing us your lovely new images, and the links were fantastic as well!
Posted by: Tessa | Wednesday, 01 August 2007 at 10:36 PM
Ah, you are so right. But I can't help but feel that if I don't update regularly, no one will ever visit me. sniff.
PS Did you get my email I sent you a while back? I never had an answer from you:-(
Posted by: Maryam in Marrakesh | Friday, 03 August 2007 at 12:22 PM
I agree with you 100%! I too don't feel like posting every day and boring the hell out every body with my day to day routine.I only write when I absolutely feel like it!
Huraeeeee for blogging freedom!!!!
xoxo Dees
Ps love the art as always!
Posted by: dees | Sunday, 05 August 2007 at 09:27 AM
Martin - It does have to be crimson, or midnight blue, depending on the mood, i think...it is also very good to hear from you again! Thanks for stopping by.
Maryam - I sent a reply that was returned to me. I tried through your blog link a few days back, so hopefully you will receive this one.
And thanks again all:)
Posted by: lou | Wednesday, 08 August 2007 at 09:26 AM
Your work is really, really beautiful.
I will certainly add you to my blog!
Posted by: Nerys | Thursday, 16 August 2007 at 10:43 AM